Sound Planning

The effective and efficient operation, maintenance, and administration of the Encina System requires sound planning. Ensuring that EWA’s infrastructure remains reliable and cost effective in the future is an intensive process, as evidenced by the Comprehensive Asset Management Plan’s 1, 5, and 20-year capital improvement programs. An essential element of EWA’s planning is identifying future risks and opportunities within the context of regulatory and internal standards. Many of these risks and opportunities are identified in current planning documents, including the following:


Strategic Plan

Encina’s Strategic Plan is focused on the future, addressing risks and opportunities likely to arise within the five year “planning horizon” (2024-2028). Encina is well-positioned to continue providing reliable services for the foreseeable future.

Biosolids, Energy and Emissions Plan

Vallecitos Water District
City of Carlsbad
City of Vista
City of Encinitas
Leucadia Wastewater District


  • CWEA San Diego Plant of the Year
  • EPA Green Power Partner
  • NACWA Peak Performance Award
  • Government Financial Officers
       Association CAFR Award

Contact Us

Encina Wastewater Authority
6200 Avenida Encinas
Carlsbad, CA 92011

  (760) 438-3941